March 26, 2025

Premier Theater, Foxwoods Casino
October 15, 2022

ZZ Top took to the stage at the Premier Theater at Foxwoods and a packed house. Many fans have eagerly awaited the return of the band to the area. I admit I was not sure what to expect since a key member of the band, Dusty Hill bassist, had passed away. I wondered if they were still going to pull it off in the Little Ol’ Band From Texas fashion. I was pleasantly surprised and happy that Elwood Francis on bass, who stepped in to complete the band once again is a welcome addition. Francis and Billy Gibbons seemed right in sync with one another and having seen ZZ Top in the past, a bit reenergized.

It could be that with Hill gone the band felt the need to step it up a bit or maybe it’s the chemistry between Billy GIbbons, Frank Beard and Elwood Francis that is the key, I’m not sure but whatever it is it works and they put on a great performance at Foxwoods.

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The night was a typical ZZ Top performance in one respect and that’s that they played the usually most requested songs and have them down. After all the band has been playing 5 decades so there were no big changes in the lineup of songs. Although I did here one man behind me yelling for “Cheap Sunglasses,” which the band did not choose for their setlist this night. Poor guy he seemed to really want to hear that song.

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The band started out with “Got Me Under Pressure” to get the crowd revved up the followed it with the bluesy “I Thank You” before launching into the rest of the well known lineup. The crowd sang the chorus in “I’m Bad, I’m Nationwide” at Gibbons’ urging.

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All in all the band that never changed much has changed a bit with the addition of Elwood but it is a good fit, especially for those who thought without Dusty Hill they couldn’t be the same. Well they are not the same, just different, but it’s a good fit and if you get the chance you should take in a concert.

Austin Meade opened for ZZ Top and I really liked their sound. They are from Texas as well, although a few years younger. They were energetic and played a variety or rock songs in their set. I have never seen them before but would again. If you get the chance give them a listen or take in one of their live shows.

Review by Donna Erichsen
Photos by George Bekris

More photos of the concert can be found at ZZ Top 2022


Got Me Under Pressure
I Thank You
Waitin’ for the Bus
Jesus Just Left Chicago
Gimme All Your Lovin’
Pearl Necklace
I’m Bad, I’m Nationwide
I Gotsta Get Paid
My Head’s in Mississippi
Sixteen Tons
Just Got Paid
Sharp Dressed Man

Tube Snake Boogie
La Grange

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